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Tonight big party at our place,free joint for everyone!!

 Got tired of your lifestile? Want to be a smoker? Ofcourse NO!
 You're the gratest thing you'll ever have,so be yourself! Joint only helps you with livin the expiriance!

A bqhme mladi...

Last updated on

Bas durja 4e ne znaete kakvo gledate!

What's New?
Za sega nqma nishto nowo shtoto i dwamata se sbrychkwame ot rabota... kogato se pooswobodim malko shte wi zaradwame s nowite nowini (ama kak zwuchi samo... nowite nowini!) :))

Saita 6te bude ejesedmi4no obnovqvan,tuka mojete da polu4ite info za novostite:

26/10/02 - The site was created.
27/10/02 - AkyMa prodaljava da raboti po saita , dokato li djuga DiabloII....

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